Prepare Indian English Literature MEG07

MEG-07 Indian English Literature
Past Papers
Block-1 Non-Fictional Prose
Block-2 Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
Block-3 Raja Rao: Kanthapura
Block-4 Anita Desai: Clear Light of Day
Block-5 Midnight’s Children
Block-6 The Short Story
Block-7 Poetry
Block-8 Mahesh Dattani: Tara
Meg7 Exam pattern
Q1 RTC 4 to be done out of 7
Q.2 Untouchable or Kanthapura
Q3.Clear light of day or Non fictional prose
Q4.Short stories or short stories(sometimes from prose )
Q.5 Midnight children or Tara
Meg 7 Important Topics in each block.
Block 1-Non Fictional Prose
What are prose & it’s types
Simple prose does have the same literary merit as a poem a drama or a novel comment
Swami Vivekananda
Views on Buddhism Discuss
In what ways Swami Vivekananda see similarity between Hinduism and science ?
Aspect of Indian culture figure in the writing of Swami Vivekananda or Shri Aurobindo
Shri Aurobindo
How does aurobindo make case of indus civilization?
Ananda coomaraswamy
What according to anand coomaraswamy does the bronze image of the dancing Shiva Symbolize Discuss
What does the bronze image of dancing Shiva Symbolise
Importance of hind swaraj in today’s context
Hind swaraj as a post colonial text
Gandhi view on swaraj relevance in present day
Explain what Gandhi tries to convey through his text
Comment on Gandhi’s view on education and their relevance in the age of globalization
Delineate the features of Nehru s prose style as illustrated in the passage taken from Autobiography
Make an assessment of Nehru’s prose style on the basis of excerpt from his Autobiography.
Compare and contrast nehru and chaudhuri autobiography
Do you agree that self scrutiny and self criticism play a large part in Nehru’s an autobiography? Substantiate your answer with examples from the excerpt you have read in this course.
Nirad C Chaudhuri
Discuss Prose style in reference to the autobiography of an unknown man
Is nirad chaudhhrai a lover of thing in english .give reason for your answer.
Do you agree with the view there are two nirad c Chaudhuri, a historical witness and a pseudo-historian give reason
Vikram Seth
Essay on Vikram Seth prose style
Does Vikram Seth writing lack depth Discuss offering your views
Discuss Vikram Seth or amitav gosh as travel writers
Amitav gosh
Critically assess amitav gosh as a travel writer
Discuss amitav gosh as a writer of travelogues
Block 2
Untouchables by mulk raj anand
Narrative techniques
Bakha and his ambitions
Title significance and relevance
Untouchable as realistic novel
Plot construction in Untouchable
Gandhian philosophy
Various themes have been explored mirroring the social and political picture of colonial india in anand novel enunciated
Discuss in details the efforts made by Gandhi to bring together the fragmented society of india with reference to mulk raj anand Untouchable
Discuss as Social novel
Discuss social criticism
Caste addressed
How its a modern novel
Block 3
Kantapura by Raj Rao
Character of Moorthy
Role of moorthy
Narrative techniques
Gandhian novel
Mahatma Gandhi as hidden protagonist in novel Gandhian spirit
Role of narrator
Comment on nature of Gandhi’s influence on fiction
Art of characterisation
Raja Rao celebrates the passion of ordinary masses in his novel kantapura
In what manner do women Character contributes to progress of novel
How does raja Rao achieve fusion of theme form and narration in kantapura
Significance of the skeffington coffee estate in kantapura
Block 4
Clear light of day by Anita desai
Anita Desai contribution as a Indian fiction writer
Anita Desai as feminist writer
Clear light of day as feminist novel
Thematic concerns
Partition as themes
Role of music
Political element
Imagery used in novel
Art of characterisation
Role of baba
Compare n contrast tara and bim personality
Theme of alienation
Block 5
Midnight children By Salman rushdie
Narrative techniques
Biographical mode
Dominant theme
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