Prepare MEG 14 Contemporary Indian Literature Strategy
MEG-14: Syllabus
Contemporary Indian Literature in English
Block-1 Background Studies Block-2 Samskara: U. R. Anantha Murthy Block-3 Tamas : Bhisham Sahni Block-4 Short Story-I Block-5 Short Story-II Block-6 Poetry Block-7 Tughlaq: Girish Karnad Block-8 Non-Fictional Prose Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation: An Anthology
Past year Papers Analysis
Chapter-wise questions from Each Block
Tamas by Bhishma Sahni
1.Discuss the narrative structure of Bhishma Sahni's Tamas Dec 2019
2. Discuss two scenes of your choice from the novel Tamas. Why are these scenes important in the structural framework of the novel? (500 words) June 2019 3. Discuss the issue of communal conflict in Tamas with reference to incidents of communal tension in India's history after the Partition. Dec 2018 4. Which scene in the novel Tamas has left an indelible impression on your mind 7 Bring out its significance. June 2018
5. Discuss Sahni's treatment of the theme of communalism in Tamas [500 words] Dec 2017 6. In what sense can Nathu be called the conscience of the novel Tamas? (500 words) June 2017 7. To what extent is the novel Tamas autobiographical? Discuss. (450 words) Dec 2016 8. Tamas captures the historical consequences of the partition in human terms: Discuss (450 words) June 2016 9. In what specific ways does the title of Bhisham Sahni's novel Tamas express the writer's thematic concern? [450 words] Dec 2015 10-How does the writer discuss the theme of communalism in Tamas? What are your personal views on the Subject June 2015
11. Write a detailed note on the subalterns in the novel Tamas. [450 words) 20 Dec2014 12. In Tomas the author enables us to hear some of those voices which would otherwise never have heard. Comment (450 words) June 2014
Samskara by U.R. Anantha Murthy
1. What is the importance of the sexual encounter of Acharya with Chandri in the novel Samskara? Dec 2019
2. Compare and contrast the character of Pranesacharya with that of Naranappa in the novel Samskara. June 2019 3. Discuss how Samskara Charis hidin's transition from tradition to modernity. Dec 2018 4. Discuss the ways in which Samskara offers a critique of Brahminical Hinduism. June 2018 5. Discuss the role of Chandri in the novel Samskara. (500 words) Dec 2017 6. Discuss the importance of Putta's role as a focalizer in Samskara (500 words) 20 June 2024 7. The novel Samskara charts Pranesacharya's quest for and questioning of his own identity. Discuss. Dec 2016
8-The protagonist of Samskara is caught between tradition and modernity. Discuss. (450 words) 20 June 2016 9. Which character(s) do you like the most in Samskara? Why? (450 words) Dec 2015 10-Discuss the role of Chandri and Putta in the Acharya's efforts to redefine himself as an individual in Samskara (450 words) June 2015 11 Discuss the title of the novel Samskara and its relevance to the plot. (450 words) Dec 2014 12 Discuss the contemporary relevance of Samskara. (450 words) June 2014
Tuglaq by Girish Karnad
1. Tuglaq offers a critique of Nehruvian politics of secularism and socialism. Illustrate.
OR Discuss critically the role of Aziz in the play Tughlaq. Dec 2019 2. Discuss Tughlaq as an allegory of politics. OR Discuss critically the role of Zia-ud-din Barani in the play Tughlaq (500 words) June 2019 3. Would you consider Karnad's representation of Tughlaq to be that of a secular king? What are the chinks in the King's secular policy? OR Discuss the complexity of the relationship between Tughlaq and his stepmother, Dec2018
4. Discuss the various symbols and motifs used in Tughlaq (450 words)
OR Discuss how the play Tughlaq brings out the conflicting strands in the character of the 5. Discuss the theme of power in the play Tughlaq. (500 words) OR
Write a note on the contemporary relevance of Tughlaq (500 words) Dec 2017 6. Discuss Tughlaq as a political allegory. (500 words) OR Tughlaq is a case study of split personality. Discuss (500 words) June 2017 7. Do you agree that the downfall of Tughlak was the result of his being a visionary and an idealist? Discuss.
OR Discuss the repeated use of the idea of acting, performance and theatricality in the play Tughlak. Dec 2016 8. Discuss how Tughlak dramatizes the protagonist's love of power and its subsequent collapse, (450 words)
Tughlak is "a split personality representing the deep-rooted dualities of human nature". Discuss. June 2016 9. "Muhammad Tughlaq was a synthesis of opposing extremes in his character." Do you agree? Discuss with concrete examples from the text. OR Discuss the motifs of chess and disguise in Tughlaq. (450 words) Dec 2015
10. What are the causes for the failure of Sultan Muhammad? OR
Discuss the contemporary relevance of the play Tughlak (450 words).June 2015 11. Can you say that Tughlaq is a well-structured play? Give a reasoned answer. (450 words) Dec 2014 12. What according to you are the important themes and motifs in Tughlaq? (450 words). OR
Comment on the growth of contemporary Indian theatre. (450 words) June 2104
Manimahesh by Umaprasad Mukhapadhyay
1. How does Umaprasad Mukhopadhyaya blend myth with history in his travel account of Manimahesh 7 (500 words) June 2019 2. Outline some of the historical legends and myths about the valley surrounding Manimahesh. Dec 2018 3. What are the nuances that make Maninzahesh an interesting piece of travel writing (500 words) June 2017 4. How does Manimahesh combine history and legend, reality and myth 7 (450 words) June 2016 5. In what way is Manimahesh a personal memoir rather than an objective traveller's guide to the land and its people? (450 words) Dec 2015.
6. In what way is Manimahesh a personal memoir rather than an objective traveller's guide to the land and its people? (450 words) June 2014
On Ismat by Saadat Hasan Manto
1. Discuss the features of the art of pen sketches with special reference to Manto's On Ismat Dec 2019
2. Though Manto's "On ismat" is a pen-sketch of an individual, yet it is fundamentally a social document. Discuss June 2019 3. Discuss how Manto compares his own temperament, artistic disposition and writings with those of tema Chughtai June 2018
4. Critically underline the salient features of Manto's per-sketch of Ismat Chughtai (500 words) Dec 2017 5-What aspects of Ismat Chughtai's writings and creativity appeal to Manto? Discuss. (450 words) Dec 2016
6-What qualities of Ismat Chughtai appeal to Manto the most? (450 words) Dec 2015 7. Write your impression of Ismat Chughtai after reading the pen-sketch On Ismat. (450 words) Dec 2014 8. What qualities of Ismat Chugtai's writings appeal to Manto the most? How do you like Manto's presentation on Ismat? (450 words) June 2015
Salt by Mahasweta Devi
1. Discuss critically the role of Ekoya in the story "Salt" by Mahasweta Devi. (225 words) June 2019 2 Metaphor of salt in Salt June 2018 3. Write a note on the major themes in Mahasweta Devi's story Salt (225 words) June 2017 4. Discuss the following: Salt as a scathing critique Of social irresponsibility. (200 words), June 2014
5. The use of Salt as a metaphor in Mahasweta Devi's story of the same name. June 2015
Tiny's Granny by Ismat Chughtai
1. The character sketch of Granny in Tiny's Granny Dec 2018
2. Can Tiny's Granny be read as a social document? Comment (225 words] Dec 2017 3-Granny is a tragic character in Tiny's Granny. (225 words) June 2016 4. Character of Granny in Tiny's Granny. [200 words). June 2014
The Empty Chest by Indira Goswami
1. Discuss the symbolic significance of the title in the story "The Empty Chest" by Indira Goswami Dec 2019
2. Significance of the title in The Empty Chest Dec 2018 3. Comment on the style in Indira Goswami's The Empty Chest. (225 words) June 2017 4. Toradol's relationship with the empty chest. (225 words) June 2016 5. Tatter of the story The Empty Cheat Dec2015 6. The ending of the story The Empty Chest June 2015 7. Use of symbols in The Empty Chest. Dec 2014
The Birds by Nirmal Verma
1. What is the role of 'memory in the story "Birds" by Nirmal Verma. Dec 2019. 2. Discuss the use of images of light and sound in the story "Birds" by Nirmal Verma.
3. The importance of Hubert and Mukherjee in Birds Dec2018 4. Comment on the title of Nirmal Verma's Birds (225 words) June 2017
5. The significance of the title 'Birds (225 words) Dec 2016 The part that memory plays in Nirmal Verma's Birds Dec 2015
7. Context and setting in Nirmal Verma's Birds. Dec 2014 The role of memory in Birds. (200 words) June 2014
Birthday by Vaikom Muhammad
1. Idealism and optimism in Birthday Dec2018 2. Write a note on humour, irony and contrast in the 'Birthday'. (225 words) Dec 2017
3. The depiction of poverty and hunger in Birthday (225 words) June 2016 4. Bashir's stark realism in the story Birthday, June 2015 5. Birthday as a typical example of stark realism. Dec 201
Karukku by Bama
1. Discuss the salient features of Bama's Karukku as an example of an alternative form of autobiographical writing. Dec 2019 2. Comment on the oppression and discrimination as reflected in Bama's Karukku.
3. Explain critically Bama's views about the life of Dalit Christians. (500 words) Dec 2017 4. Bama's Warukku' is an important social document on caste and gender apart from being a memoir. Discuss. Dec 2016 5. Comment on Bama's stylistic techniques from Karukku chapters 4 & 8. (450 words) June 2015 6. What aspects of Dalit life are highlighted by Bama in Karukku? (450 words) Dec 2014
1. Describe the admirable qualities in Premchand's fictional characters as highlighted by Amrit Rai. Dec2018
2. What is Premchand's vision of social change? What is the role of literature and language in social change 7 (500words)June 2017 3. Is the title of Amrit Rai's biography of Premchand, Kalam ka Sipahi (The Soldier of the Pen) appropriate? Discuss. June 2016 4. Comment on the distinctive features of Ainit Rai's biography of Premchand. (450 words) June 2014
Tadpa by Gopinath Mohanty
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